Consumer Electronics Retailers in Europe

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Rankings and Profiles of Consumer Electronics Retailers in Europe. 

Our database Retail Index discloses the rankings of electronics retailers for many countries as well as the profiles of over 1,050 retailers and retail-chains.

The market for domestic retail appliances is not as old as the food or fashion sector but already there are clear leaders in retailing these products. Ceconomy (Media Markt-Saturn) marks the top position without a doubt. The firm is present in almost every European country to date, and amounted an annual turnover of 20.8 billion euro for the financial year ended in September 2020, down 1.8% compared to the previous year (21.45 billion euro). Euronics and Expert follow in second and third position. In this sector we also see a strong position for e-commerce, every retailer complements it's turnover with a strong web presence. The rankings in our database show traditional retailers as well as department stores and pure internet retailers.  

To see the number of electronics retailers per country please click on the green button on the right. You will see the number of retailers per sector and per country. Access to this database is only on paid subscription but for examples you can choose Portugal and see the ranking and all profiles. For all other countries we present the data in exactly the same way. The data on electronics retailers for European countries are updated 4 times per year.

This database contains all key information about international and national retail chains, including data on turnover and numbers of Electronics chains, hypermarkets, discounters, department stores, specialty stores etc. Not only the major countries such as USA, China, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Spain but also many smaller countries. For each country the top ranking of the retailers is presented according to the latest available turnover figures.

If you want to see a representative example of rankings and profiles in the sector consumer electronics, you just go to Example Ranking Portugal Consumer Electronics   
By clicking on the retailer name it will show the full profile.

All data on retailers are presented in the same style. In the ranking overview of the country you can click on the name of the retailers which opens the full retail profile with address, phone, fax, key management, company website, turnover development, banners, number of stores, shop-types and much other relevant information. For multinational retailers the international head-office of the mother company is given with address etc. Our focus is the consumer electronics retailers in Europe but many other countries are well covered today.


For a total overview of sectors and prices please visit the Price & Order Information.